Botulinum toxin is commonly known as Botox . Botox is a Neuromodulator which prevents muscles from contracting & is commonly used in treatment of facial wrinkles (anti-ageing). Areas of skin improvisation: Treatment can help to soften crow’s feet, forehead furrows, frown lines, lip lines, bunny lines etc. It can help to reduce thick bands around the neck region. It also can enhance appearance of skin dimpling of the chin. Also can help lift the corners of the mouth, soften the jaw line and improve a gummy smile. Botox in facial wrinkles: The cosmetic variant of botulinum toxin is a very famous nonsurgical treatment that can help temporary removal or elimination of facial fine lines and wrinkles. The predominant areas that are treated include frown lines, forehead creases, crow’s feet near the eyes etc. Other areas which can be considered for treatment may include thick bands around the neck, thick jaw muscles, lip lines and gummy smiles. Botox in facial contouring Strong & enlarged masseters often give a square-jawed appearance. Excessively enlarged masculine muscles can be injected with Botox causing a decrease in size & a slimmer more attractive face and jawline. Botox in excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) Patients with excessive sweating on the palms and soles or in the armpits which also makes routine work difficult in addition to social embarrassment responds very well to Botox treatment.Botox injection the affected areas is an effective way to counteract this condition. Botox In a Migraine In a migraine triggered by muscle activity, Botox injection into specific muscular trigger points helps to reduce the frequency & intensity of migraine attacks. Temporal migraine can be treated by Botox injections into the trigger points providing relief for upto 7 months The botulinum toxin: mechanism of action Botulinum toxin is a purified substance which is extracted from a bacterial source. Injections of botulinum toxin will lead to blockage of the nerve signals to the muscle. It is difficult for the proper contraction and relaxation of muscles without a signal. The outcome is reduces and decreased fine lines and wrinkles. The most popular botulinum toxin type A injections involve Botox, Dysport and Xeomin. *The FDA has given permission for the use of Botox for removal or treatment of frown lines and crow’s feet, while Dysport and Xeomin are only allowed to be used for treatment of frown lines. Who is the best candidate for BOTOX TREATMENT ? Any of the above mentioned reasons makes you a suitable candidate to undergo BOTOX TREATMENT , But to be an eligible candidate for treatment you should also fulfill the following criteria: Every treatment procedure including plastic or cosmetic treatment involves certain risks. You should undergo a BOTOX TREATMENT only if you have a medical requirement or you feel that the particular treatment will enhance your quality of life. You shall be a good candidate for the BOTOX TREATMENT if you are healthy, you have realistic expectations from the outcome of the treatment and you are aware of all the risks associated with the procedure. You need to consult doctor before undergoing a cosmetic treatment if you have serious health issues like allergies, diabetes, heart diseases, high blood pressure, bleeding disorders like haemophilia or depression. You shall not be a good candidate for the BOTOX TREATMENT if you smoke or drink too much alcohol. You should have positive attitude! You expectations from the outcome of the treatment should be realistic. You should be ready to miss at least a few weeks of normal activity. Benefits Of Botox Treatment is relatively painless This treatment has very little down time PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: Youthfulness Ageing is a natural process which everyone goes through. Visible wrinkles, fine lines, blemishes are signs of ageing. Such skin flaws makes you look tired or aged. But with BOTOX TREATMENT like suitable treatment one feels younger, healthier and rejuvenated. Natural Nowadays BOTOX TREATMENT is gaining immense popularity because it produce results that blend extremely well with a patient’s body aesthetics. Soon after the treatment, one gets back to the desired or normal shape of a treated body part. One does not have to wait long to see the result, which is the beauty of cosmetic treatment. THE OUTCOME: Sometimes the BOTOX TREATMENT doesn’t produce the results the patient imagines. This gap between imagination and reality may frustrate patient. Sometimes the BOTOX TREATMENT doesn’t produce the results the patient imagines. This gap between imagination and reality may frustrate patient. Sometimes the BOTOX TREATMENT doesn’t produce the results the patient imagines. This gap between imagination and reality may frustrate patient.