Face Cosmetic Surgery

Lip Reduction and Lip Augmentation


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A friendly and a warm smile make socializing easy. Your smile marks your personality and lips play a significant role in it. Shaped lips are an integral part of a person’s face. However, too large, or too thin lips may require lip contouring or lip shaping. Lip correction can be a non-surgical as well as a surgical procedure. However, too large, or too thin lips may require lip contouring or lip shaping.Lip correction can be a non- surgical as well as a surgical procedure. For an optimum result, lip contouring surgery is considered. Types: Lip shaping surgery is done to alter the appearance and size of lips. It may be performed alone or in combination with other facial plastic surgeries such as facelift, rhinoplasty, chin augmentation or jaw augmentation. Lip contouring employs both lip reduction and lip augmentation technique depending on patient’s requirement. Let us learn about both the methods in detail. Lip reduction – Lip reduction or reduction cheiloplasty is a cosmetic surgery to reduce the size of protruding or abnormally large lips. Lip augmentation- Lip augmentation is the procedure that will make your lips sensual, fuller and bigger.

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